"Confinement" Mixed Media Painting
"Confinement" Mixed Media Painting
"Confinement" is an oil painting I recently finished that measures 60 x 48 inches on canvas. The painting can be considered a multimedia painting because it utilizes acrylic paint and oil paint, and it is painted on Foam Board, a unique medium. The subject of the painting is a female nude, front-facing, with her body constrained in not only the corset (made of twine rope) but also the gold drips that cage her into the painting. I created this piece to symbolize the confinement that women are plagued with within their physical appearance in today's society - we are almost in a stuck position where we cannot please everyone and are always hated for something. I based this painting on the amazing work of Michaela Stark and Jenny Saville, some of my biggest inspirations in figure art.
Multimedia on Canvas
60 x 48 x 1/8 inches
Anya Thompson
May 2021
*Please note that this painting is unvarnished, but will be varnished before shipping. Also, due to COVID-19, shipping may be delayed.
This painting is an original design by Anya Thompson. To shop for more paintings, visit my Etsy shop!